Meet the brand: oko
În 2026 Academia de Sustenabilitate va fi principala sursă de informare, educație și suport în implementare (sustenabilitate) pentru IMM-urile din România.
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Meet the brand: Fabricat în RO
Fabricat în RO este un ecosistem inovator ce promovează afacerile din România. Facilităm dezvoltarea afacerilor românești prin intermediul platformei, rețelelor de socializare, site-urilor partenere și participare la evenimente.
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Ce facem la oko?
Haine din materiale sustenabile, certificate, pentru corporate gifts, teambuildings, evenimente.
Ce beneficii ai daca vii prin IMM4IMM?
Ce ne recomandă?
Gama larga de produse certificate
Experienta B2B
Servicii complete
Meet our team
Our vision is to create a better everyday life for many people and bring inspiration and innovation to everyone.

Paul Nechita

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Lesson series
We will help you unlock your inner potential so you can excel in your professional field
#haine| #certificate | #full service |
"The school has everything that I need for successful study: textbooks, daily assignments, planner, notebooks, music sheets, a staff who are very skilled and experienced, and ready to help at any time."
Sara Parker
"I am most grateful that my son's teacher not only makes learning fun and shares his knowledge, but his passion for studying as well. I could not have found a better place for him to learn."
Josh Stobbard
“I received my certificate, and I would like to thank you for your continuous support. The courses were challenging, but my instructors were always there supporting me and ready to help."